Braserv Petróleo Braserv Petróleo

Integrated Management Policy

Top management is committed to seeking excellence, through compliance with legal requirements regarding information security, Internal Compliance rules, anti-bribery, regulatory and statutory laws, carrying out a participatory management model, investing in employees, constantly seeking continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the integrated management system, thus offering our customers competitive products and services, in Intervention in oil and natural gas wells throughout the national territory, based on the following principles:

• Maintain and continuously improve the Information Security Management System (SGSI), committed to the integrity, confidentiality, availability, authenticity and legality of information, following business requirements in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

• During BRASERV PETRÓLEO activities, bribery, facilitation and illicit benefit of any person is prohibited.

• Meet legal and statutory requirements and laws related to the Compliance system and applicable to the activities, products and services provided to our customers.

• Provide excellent services using employees with the adequate skills and making them aware of environmental protection, occupational safety, and health.

• The Internal Compliance activity, regardless of the person performing the activity, has the authority and independence to investigate any suspected or reported act. Any raised concerns about the reported anti-bribery will be investigated and dealt with. The whistleblower will not suffer any reprisal.

• Ensuring a safe and healthy place, integrity of people and the environment, acting preventively, evaluating and reducing environmental impacts, as well as eliminating risks to safety and health at work in all tasks performed.

Ensuring an environment where all employees are consulted and participate in decisions involving Occupational Health and Safety actions,

• Constantly seek new technologies, products, services, equipment and tools available that offer protection to the safety and health of the employee;

• Identify and make available physical, technological and financial resources necessary to fulfill the objectives.

• Promote Continuous Improvement and sustainable development of the business, seeking to meet the expectations of stakeholders

Failure to comply with any requirements of this Policy will result in appropriate administrative actions by the board of BRASERV PETROLEO.

Address of BRASERV Petróleo units:

  • Alagoinhas/BA - Rodovia Governador Mário Covas, S/N, Distrito Industrial I. CEP 48000-876. Alagoinhas/BA - Brasil.
  • Manaus/AM - Rua Lisboa, 12, Quadra 06, Conjunto Campos Elísios. CEP 69045-120. Manaus/AM - Brasil.
  • Mossoró/RN - Rua Ranieri Barbosa Paiva, 753, Dom Jaime Câmara. CEP 59628-803. Mossoró/RN - Brasil.
  • Carmópolis/SE - Avenida Otávio Aciole Sobral, 247, Salustiano Vieira de Melo. CEP 49740-000. Carmópolis/SE - Brasil.
  • Macaé/RJ - Avenida Rui Barbosa 1831, Sala 105, Imbetiba, Macaé Trade Center. CEP 27915-011. Macaé/RJ - Brasil.
  • São Mateus/ES - Rodovia BR 381, S/N, Miguel Curry Carneiro, Santa Tereza. CEP 29932-405. São Mateus/ES - Brasil.
  • Pilar/AL - Avenida Rubens Canuto, S/N, Loteamento Manguaba II, Quadra A, Chã do Pilar. CEP: 57150-000. Pilar/AL - Brasil.