BRASERV PETRÓLEO develops GAS_PIG_001 Anti-Bribery Management Policy based on a solid ethical basis and clear compliance guidelines. This policy is supported by the following guidelines:
• Conduct business with transparency, to ensure that all activities continue to be developed in a sustainable manner, following corporate policies based on best international practices.
• Implement a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, corrupt acts and behavior that do not meet BRASERV's ethical principles.
• Apply Anti-Bribery risk detection and management methodologies, implementing appropriate measures for risk treatment.
• Communicate the Code of Ethics to executives, employees, suppliers, partners, customers and other interested parties in an objective and recurring manner, ensuring understanding and application.
• Meet the applicable legal requirements and other requirements relevant to the company.
• Encourage anonymous reporting of any executive, employee, supplier, business partner involved in BRASERV's commercial and non-commercial relationships, who may be inconsistent with this Policy.
• Systematically promote the continuous improvement of the Integrated Anti-Bribery Management System, maintaining training and service to all company, in all contracts.
• Enable the anti-bribery manager to act independently, favoring autonomy in decision-making and the authority to conduct the Management System.
• Disseminate and apply fair and accurate consequence management, strengthening the spirit of full compliance with the Anti-Bribery guidelines.
Failure to comply with any requirements of this Policy will result in appropriate administrative actions by the board of BRASERV PETROLEO.